Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waiting for Godot

The play, Waiting for Godot, has many potential themes. Waiting for the unknown, the example of a marriage, the meaning of life, and our relationship with God, among many more. While it is a very confusing play, one thing is certain: Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for someone or something. Regardless they are waiting.

I think this is such an important idea. People are always waiting for something. There is always something in the future that people anticipate. For example people wait for an exciting trip in a few days, people wait to find that person they are supposed to spend the rest of their lives with, for a much anticipated movie, a young teen awaits the day they can get their driver’s license, Christians wait for direction from God and for the ultimate day of His return. The list goes on and on, but the point is people wait. People wait just like Estragon and Vladimir wait for Godot. It’s the anticipation of the unknown. 

So many times in my life I have waited for the unknown, but there comes a point when you cannot wait anymore and you have to move on or do something about it. An example of this happening in my life is in the early stages of my relationship with Christ. It was so easy for me to pass up on a committed relationship with Him making excuses such as, “right now isn’t good timing, but once I go on this missions trip I’ll be good.” However, I began to realize that no matter what I waited for there was never a right time.

Maybe Estrogen and Vladimir need to stop waiting and start doing something?


  1. It's so true about what you said in the last part. We live our lives according to our own rules not even caring or paying attention to God because we know that we can always go back to Him and He will forgive us. We are selfish people.

  2. I agree, I think we sometime delay God and only want him when it's good for us.

  3. I like the idea that Waiting for Godot is religious in theme but is potentially a criticism of God's followers rather than God.
